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Smoking Cessation

Valley Acupuncture is the best!!  I found Valley through the internet of acupuncture searches in my area. I have been desperate to quit smoking for years.  I am in nursing school, and feel that it is extremly important to practice good health and teach it to others.  I was very scared to quit smoking because I had been smoking for 20 years.  I honestly did not think that I could do it.  The night before I went into Valley Accupuncture, I stopped smoking at 5pm, and anxiously waited for my appointment.  By the time I got to Valley Accupuncture I was on edge, shaking, and felt like I was going to burst out of my skin!  Jim Pederson (My Savior!) explained to me about the treatment in an extremely friendly and comforting manor.  After my hour session with the needles in me, I felt so calm and relaxed, and did not want a cigarette!!!  I have been smoke free for 2 weeks now, and do not want a cigarette at all!!! This is completely amazing and mind boggling for myself!!!  6 treatments for a very very reasonable price was all it took!  I am excited about all the money that I am going to save from being smoke free!  Jim treats his clients with the utmost professionalism, and is not pushy AT ALL!!!! I know that it is extremely important to people as it is to me.  He treats you as a whole person and is genuinely concerned about your well-being.  If you are looking to help pain, quit an addiction, de-stress, etc., then go to Jim at Valley Acupuncture.  I do not write a lot of reviews; however, it was very important for me to write a review about this life saving experience!! THANKS JIM!!!!!

MD, Geneva